UNM AIChE Email: aiche@unm.edu

Faculty Sponsor:

Dr. Jamie Gomez (jrgomez@unm.edu)


Caleb Dang (dangc210@unm.edu)

Vice President:
Elena Medina (ebmedina04@unm.edu)

John Fawcett (fawcettj@unm.edu)

David Chyo (dchyo@unm.edu)

Social/Outreach Chairs:
Francesca C’de Baca (fcdebaca99@unm.edu)
Kadie Sanchez (ksanchez5@unmaiche

Conference Chair:
Rachael Doan (bdoanhuynhngoc@unm.edu)

Role Descriptions

Vice President: The Vice President, along with the President, is involved in management of the organization. This includes participating in various SGAO workshops, helping to organize conferences, plan outreach events, fund raise, and more. The Vice President succeeds the AIChE President position so we ask for a two-year commitment. 

Conference Chair: The Conference chair is responsible for organizing conference events. This includes creating itineraries for conferences, purchasing and planning transportation to and from conference, and maintaining and presenting deadlines for conference events such as car competition and abstract submissions for poster and paper presentations

Outreach/Social Chair (upperclassman and underclassman): The Outreach chairs are responsible for organizing outreach events throughout Albuquerque. It involves coordinating with other organizations on campus, engineering student services, schools, and businesses, to find volunteer events to participate in. Outreach chairs plan, present, and may work with other officers to create fun and important events to promote STEM for non-collegiate students.  

Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for creating a budget and appropriations for our AIChE chapter and attending SGAO workshops to get funding. Budgeting may include conference budgets, outreach budgets, and food and T-shirt budgets. The Treasurer will deal with all reimbursements for events.

Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for maintaining a list of everyone who attends meetings and to keep notes on meetings.  In addition, the secretary will be responsible for maintaining the newly refurbished AIChE website.

Interested in becoming an officer?

Officer elections are held every year in the Spring semester during the general body meetings. For more information on a specific officer position, feel free to contact any of the officers.